Life Sciences 2024 - Synthetic Biology 2024

The Life Sciences 2024 Call “Synthetic Biology” opened for submissions on 30th January 2024. This call is open to researchers in Vienna who seek to conduct a cutting-edge research project (2 – 4 years) that draws upon the design and construction approaches of synthetic biology to further understanding of a fundamental question in the life sciences.

A total of € 6.5 million has been dedicated to this call. The funding range per project is € 400,000 – € 900,00. Additional funding opportunities are available for collaborative projects between scientists in Vienna and Lower Austria. Details can be found at Joint Projects - WWTF

This is a two-stage call:

  • Deadline for short proposals: 9th April 2024
  • Deadline for full proposals (upon invitation): 20th August 2024
  • Applicant response phase (for full proposal applicants only): 14th – 26th November 2024 (exact dates provided in early November)
  • The funding decision is expected in mid-December 2024

Further information can be found in the Call Specifications and Submission Guidelines documents on the WWTF Life Science page.

Please do not hesitate to contact the call managers for more details:


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