Information and Communication Technology 2023
Digital Humanism
The Information and Communication Technology 2023 Call „Digital Humanism” opened for submissions on 16th May 2023. This call is directed at researchers in Vienna who seek to conduct a cutting-edge interdisciplinary research project (2 - 4 years) between ICT and social sciences / humanities (SSH) that address digital technologies & practices from a human-centered and societal perspective in the field of Digital Humanism.
A total of € 3,5 million has been dedicated to this call. The funding range per project is € 300,000 – € 600,000. Additional funding opportunities are available for collaborative projects between scientists in Vienna and Lower Austria. Details can be found at Joint Projects - WWTF.
This is a two-stage call:
- Deadline for short proposals: 4th October 2023. WWTF received 60 short proposals. The jury selected 21 to be invited for submitting a full proposal.
- Deadline for full proposals (upon invitation): 20th February 2024, 2pm CET.
- The funding decision is expected in June 2024
Please consider the Guidelines for Submission!!!! The Call Specifications can also be accessed via WWTF ICT page.
Please do not hesitate to contact the call managers for more details:
- Michael Strassnig | | Tel.: +43 1 402 31 43 15
- Benjamin Missbach | | Tel.: +43 1 402 31 43 19